Thursday, January 1, 2015

365 Day Life

I want to complete this 365 challenge for two different reasons. 1st- To work on my photography skills. I want to train my eye to see light, to create art, and to be able to spot unique situations or things. I want to increase my editing skills and learn to give my pictures character and personality. Second, and most importantly, I wanted to open my eyes as a mother, a wife, an aunt, sister, and as a daughter of God. The monotony of everyday life can put me into a routine where I don't notice the sweet things my daughter says, the way she holds onto her teddy bear as she takes a nap, the way my husband tickles her, and the messes, oh, those messes that someday I will long to go back in time for. That is the reason I'm doing this. I want to remember those times. I want a picture for proof that this was my life, I was there, I lived in that moment, and I noticed those things that are easily passed by. This is my 365 day life.

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