Monday, January 5, 2015

Day 5- Watching

Even though these little babies get on my nerves a lot, they are really are such good dogs. They love to look out the window. Always on watching duty and making sure their little family is okay. Love them.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Day 4- Her Books

Anistyn loves her books. She will grab a couple, sit and read them, carry them around, sit in her chair and look at the pictures and practice turning the pages. I pray that she continues to love books and wants to always learn.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Day 3- Sockies

Anistyn has an obsession with pulling off her socks, finding me and saying "Sockies" and lifting her little feet to have me put them on again. I adore it. Lucky for me, when she pulls them off, they are 90% of the time dropped together on the floor just like this waiting for me.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Day 2- Teddy Grahams

A common scene next to my keyboard. Ani loves to sit on my lap and watch me edit, or do whatever I'm doing as long as she has some "munies". Teddy Grahams have been a favorite for the last little while. I will never tire of hearing that little voice ask for more "muna muna munies" as she tilts her head to the side and raises her perfect little eyebrows.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Day 1- Daddy and Ani Playing

I imagine that I will have multiple of these pictures throughout the year- but this is my life... those two people. This is a scene that I will drop anything just to watch. Nothing melts my heart more than to see these two together.

365 Day Life

I want to complete this 365 challenge for two different reasons. 1st- To work on my photography skills. I want to train my eye to see light, to create art, and to be able to spot unique situations or things. I want to increase my editing skills and learn to give my pictures character and personality. Second, and most importantly, I wanted to open my eyes as a mother, a wife, an aunt, sister, and as a daughter of God. The monotony of everyday life can put me into a routine where I don't notice the sweet things my daughter says, the way she holds onto her teddy bear as she takes a nap, the way my husband tickles her, and the messes, oh, those messes that someday I will long to go back in time for. That is the reason I'm doing this. I want to remember those times. I want a picture for proof that this was my life, I was there, I lived in that moment, and I noticed those things that are easily passed by. This is my 365 day life.